Case Studies

DH and Royal Bolton Hospital
Royal Bolton Hospital discovers how Radio Frequency Identification can make it easier to track medical records, prevent them from going missing and release staff time.

Bluetooth Low Energy Bed Tracking
Tracking beds with SenseAnyWare® and Bluetooth Low Energy saves NHS money, whilst improving operational efficiencies and patient care.

BT Openreach business units
BT Asset Trace powered by SenseAnyWare – Innovative track and trace solution protects high-value assets and streamlines operations.

Morrison Telecom Services
Morrison Telecom Services improves logistics stock control and captures their material usage more efficiently with Acumentive’s Asset Tracking system.
Use Cases
Acumentive's real-time asset tracking and management systems have a huge range of industry and business use case applications. Below are just some of our implementations to date.

Automotive: stillage tracking (trial)
GPS Trackers

Defence: weapons and equipment identification (trial)
LF Passive RFID

Telecommunications: cable and drum management system
Active RFID, Barcode

Telecommunications: container tracking, vehicle/trailer auto-association
Active RFID

Healthcare: equipment tracking to ward level (trial)

Media: visitor tracking at London's Excel exhibition centre (trial)
UHF Passive RFID

Education: integrated demo centre
Passive RFID, Active RFID, RTLS

Manufacturing: steel beam identification and tracking (trial)
UHF Passive RFID

Manufacturing: high accuracy 3D positioning of staff with CCTV integration (trial)
UWB Positioning

Healthcare: staff tracking and security system integration, adult psychiatric unit

Managed Facilities: vehicle identification and security system integration
Active RFID

Supply Chain: bulk chemical container tracking and management
LF RFID, Barcode

Supply Chain: temperature monitoring, pharmaceutical cold-chain (trial)
Custom Passive UHF RFID

Supply Chain: food container management
Active RFID

Healthcare: real-time patient, staff, asset locating to bed level within ITUs

Finance: co-location server tracking
Active RFID

Technology: custom plug-and-play Active RFID integration for Telematics unit
Active RFID

Road Maintenance: on-vehicle RFID unit for tools and equipment
Active RFID

Telecommunications: tool security/theft detection at Warehouse (trial)
Active RFID

Healthcare: medical records management at regional hospital
Passive UHF RFID

Food & Beverage: advanced Data Capture for equipment supply

Telecommunications: customer premised equipment tracking to delivery

Telecommunications: high value engineering tools tracking

Media: film props and technical equipment ID and tracking
Passive UHF RFID

Telecommunications: engineering field returns tracking

Telecommunications: consumables tracking

Telecommunications: broadband cabinets tracking
Barcode and Mobile Devices

Healthcare: medical equipment tracking in hospital
Bluetooth Low Energy, RFID